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Designing “The World in 2030" with Logistics Solutions

We recognize that we are a group of members who have a social responsibility in designing a sustainable world.
Therefore, we have identified five key materialities that are expected us to meet the SDGs, and have disclosed
our ideal state and KPIs as of 2030 in "MCLOGI's Materiality and Goals for 2030".

Global sustainability agenda and concerns continue to expand and diversify, and are constantly changing.
To meet these challenges, we have identified problems related to logistics, and have identified specific targets for action
that we are expected to take.In order to design “The World in 2030," MCLOGI will take full responsibility for social issues
and meet the expectations of our stakeholders, including the next generations.

CEO and President
Kosuke Iwai


Energy /Climate Change


Curbing Global Warming by reducing
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Main Activity

Decarbonization of energy

Reduction activity for our direct GHG emissions(Adopt renewable energy)

Decarbonization of value chain

Reduction activity for GHG emissions from our entire logistics services

2030 Performance Measurment (KPI)

Abbreviation of Greenhouse Gas

2020年度対比 50%削減

※We consider Scope1 and Scope2. About affiliate companies, we use ownership rate.




Equitable access to physical resources through standardized and generalized logistics services

Main Activity

Smart Logistics

Introduction of technology to expand human potential

Development of advanced logistics human resources

Digitization of business processes

2030 Performance Measurment (KPI)

Creating an Innovative Organizational Culture


※Rate of employees who responded positively to the question on innovativeness (innovativeness to develop new products, services, functions, and business models in your workplace) in the Organizational Climate Survey, which observes the motivation of employees and the level of organizational vitality.


Highly flexible and responsive logistics
in unforeseen fluctuations

Main Activity

Resilient Services

Establishment of a stable supply system

Remote management of distribution centers

Improvement of worker morale

2030 Performance Measurment (KPI)

Improvement of customer loyalty by enhancing responsiveness to social conditions, supply
and demand fluctuations, and disasters

自律分散型の拠点運営統合BCM整備 / 毎年訓練実施
災害発生時の正常化予測 リアルタイム発信

※The subject is our logistics operations service (warehousing, international forwarding, etc.).

Ciracular Economy


Resource creation through the value chain

Main Activity

Resource recycling logistics

Proposal of resource recycling logistics model

Building partnerships

Sustainable procrement(including
inhouse/Customer support)

Procurement standards Development

Creating a Disposable-free Workplace

Avoiding resource loss through the value chain

2030 Performance Measurment (KPI)

Material Creation


Job Satisfaction


Creating an environment
in which each and every employee can fully demonstrate
his/her ability and play an active role

Main Activity

Work-Life balance

Acquistion of appropriate and fair lesure time

Closing the gender gap

Promotion of reskilling and support for career autonomy


Choosing where to work(Support for spouse's relocation, care, etc)

Enhancement of education and training (improve satisfaction)

Improvement of employee satisfaction by improving organizational culture

Realization of a lively workplace

2030 Performance Measurment (KPI)

Improvement of workplace comfort and job satisfaction

有給取得率 70%以上

※Employees working at the head office and domestic locations (excluding employees on leave or transferred from other companies).


※Employees working at the head office and domestic locations (excluding employees on leave or transferred from other companies).


※Rate of employees who responded positively to the question on engagement
(employees work on their own initiative, take pride in the company, and have a sense of belonging) in the Organizational Climate Survey.

Elimination of gender role consciousness




Enhancement of corporate governmence system
(Compliace / Risk Management /
Enhancement of the Board of Directors)

Main Activity

Promotion of initiatives through regular meetings of the Compliance Committee, preparation and updating of risk maps

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Environmental Management

We systematized our environmental management in 2002 and received certification under the ISO14001 standard.
Since then, we have been working to protect the global and local environment through our business activities
in line with our own environmental policy.
From FY2022, we are aiming to further improve our environmental performance by preparing
to utilize the ISO14001 standard as a management system to realize our goals.

Contact us.